Important Information for Students

As you are aware, you will be participating in a NAPLAN ONLINE READINESS TEST on "TBA".

For ALL students in Year 5 & 7, you will be using your BYODD device to complete the exam. Please read the following CAREFULLY as it requires you to complete some IMPORTANT STEPS before your test.


The test is 100% ONLINE, meaning you will use your LAPTOP to complete the test. The test location is TBA.

There are some IMPORTANT STEPS you need to complete BEFORE the day of your test.

1. DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the Naplan Test Software on your laptop (see below)

2. Ensure your laptop is working correctly, including BATTERY, WI-FI and SOUND VIA YOUR HEADPHONES – YOU MUST BRING HEADPHONES WITH YOU ON YOUR TEST DAY.

3. Ensure your laptop is FULLY CHARGED on the morning of your test.

The software you need is called the "NAP LOCKED DOWN BROWSER”.

Please install the Correct Version on your laptop, Do this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (DO NOT wait until your test day)

You can download the software directly by using the links below:

Apple/Mac -

Windows 8 10 -

If you have any problems, please visit the IT Office as soon as possible.